Wednesday, November 15, 2017

So, this Be Kinder journey is teaching me so much about myself and others.  I've always considered myself extremely independent and capable of almost anything, save for the really heavy lifting, although a skateboard makes for an excellent dolly.

Anyway, I have realized that sometimes it truly does take a team.  As I've powered up my Be Kinder mission, I've had to enlist and accept the help and expertise of others.  To name a few, the patient and tech savvy young men at Go Daddy, the people at Office Max, the knowledgeable lady at the Arizona Revenue office, the answer-filled woman at the government trademark office, and the passionate woman who runs 2nd Friday Night Out in Mesa. They all helped with getting the business side of Be Kinder to a good place.  My son Christopher and brother David have been absolutely amazing with their work, brainstorming and support.  My sister Janet who is probably my most ever-present cheerleader.  And, of course, my parents and friends who enjoy the ride.

My point is, we all think we are in this world as individuals but, we need each other.  On a much broader level, the current energy climate in this world today is calling all of us to almost redefine with more distinct lines where we stand, why we stand, and who we stand with.  So much has changed in the last year or so.  There is no denying the leadership of this country seems to be going down a divisive path of anger, hostility, and simply things that make no sense at all to me.  I'm encouraged by the people who are finding their voices to speak up and out against perceived injustices.  One voice can be heard, but millions of voices can't help but be louder. 

Years ago, I think it was on the Oprah show, I heard something to the effect of, "Once you see something, you can't un-see it."  I think that is so profound.  Too many times we see things, people being mistreated, animals being mistreated, people breaking the law, trash on the ground, etc., and we choose to not get involved.  Over the years, whenever there has been some horrible tragedy happen, I've watched the news and have seen people say things like "I knew this was going to happen...he/she was so mean to his/her children...I saw this coming..." and have always wondered how those people feel or if they even realize they could've done something to prevent what happened.  Yes, we all know some people do evil things and will continue to do so.  However, don't we have an obligation as a member of this society to get involved, to at least try and prevent things from getting worse?  Can you really ever un-see something?  What will you feel if something happens that you might have been able to stop? 

So, back to the team analogy.  I believe, if we all consider ourselves part of a team, it just makes sense we would treat each other a little better, we would get more things done, we would feel the positive energy of those who support us.  Support each other.  Encourage each other.  Work with each other.  Be Kinder to each other.  I'm hearing the music "you may say that I'm a dreamer..." in my head.

With that, if you've made it to the end of this blog, and you are interested in one of the T-shirts in the picture above (large pink, youth 6-8 gold, medium bright yellow), let me know and I'll send it to you free of charge. 

Be Kinder.