Monday, September 19, 2011

Love Ya Habit

Last week my sister was telling me about listening to a particular speaker who was taking about how we need to put the "I" back in "I love you". Since then, I am acutely aware of how many times I say or text "love ya", almost as if a habit. So, I've started to say "I love you" with a more "definitely" tone of voice. It feels better to me. I think we get into a comfortable habit with people we love or live with where we just go through the motions. We assume they know we love them. We assume they know they can count on us. We assume they know how much they mean to us. We assume they feel the same about ourselves. When was the last time, you actually had a conversation with your partner, child, parent, friend, etc., about how much it means to you to have them in your life? When was the last time someone told you how much you mean to them? For today, why not start a conversation with someone about how much they mean to you? You might be surprised how good it makes you both feel. Don't assume people know how you truly feel about them. Put voice to those feelings and let them know.

Today is hug each other and say I love you day.

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