Friday, September 4, 2009

How Will You Be Remembered?

I wonder if you truly contemplate that question and answer it honestly if it would cause you to live your life differently. I hope I will be remembered as a little girl who loved family picnics and sleep-overs. A tomboy that played kickball and hide-and-seek with the rest of the neighborhood kids. A child who had compassion for stray animals and wounded birds. A child who respected the adults in her life and helped them whenever she could. A little girl who loved laying in bed at night listening to the Thursday night Bridge parties her mom would have and secretly getting caught up on the gossip that was whispered. A little girl who loved the smell of her dad's clothes when he would come home from work smelling like fresh-cut lumber. A little girl who enjoyed spending time with her brothers and sister, playing board games, drive-in movies, and long family trips. I hope I will be remembered as a teenager who pushed the limits a little too far sometimes, but basically was a good kid. A teen who made some big mistakes but managed to eventually come out smarter for having learned the lessons. A friend to those on sports teams, cheer-leading squads, 4-H groups, and Drama. A student who was creative and who, even though didn't make straight A's, still managed to graduate in good standing. A student who teachers remember as respectful and helpful. A teenage daughter who has apologized for the worry she caused her parents. I hope I will be remembered as a young woman who tried to finish college but lost her way, only to venture into times in life that caused discord for many. A young woman who stood strong in her beliefs of equality and who added new insight to those around her. A cheerful spot in the lives of the people at the nursing home where she worked and made their lives brighter. A roommate who was responsible. A supporter of the NAACP in a time when it wasn't so popular to be a white woman in the front lines. I hope I will be remembered as a young mother who provided comfort to her son in a home situation filled with domestic violence and abuse. A mother who finally found the wisdom and strength to leave. A young mother who gave everything for the betterment of her child. A young mother who recognized her limits and made decisions that were heart-breaking, perhaps being the best mother of all. I hope I will be remembered as a good wife. Someone who loved her husband the best she could. A wife who was supportive and fair. A wife who respected her husband. An ex-wife who is still a best friend. I hope I will be remembered as woman who survived breast cancer with grace. A woman whose compassion for those not as fortunate was obvious. A woman who was always trying to make things better. A woman who prided herself on being able to communicate effectively with people on important issues. A woman who was honest. A woman who was fun. A woman who made other people's lives a little easier. A woman who worked hard. A woman who was a good friend when it mattered. A woman who won millions in the lottery and shared it. I hope I will be remembered as a lovely, though a bit eccentric, old woman. A woman whose eyes sparkled when thinking about times gone by. A woman whose face had laugh lines and was a bit sun-worn from days at the beach. A woman who still loved watching birds, butterflies, and got a kick out of nature. A woman who, even though her hands were a bit stiff, still loved crafting. A woman who died with grace and a smile on her face. I hope I will be remembered as someone who made people's lives a little more meaningful for her having been there. A person who cared, was honest, was fun, was giving, was compassionate and passionate. A good mother, a good grandmother, a good daughter, a good sister, and a good friend. Today's challenge: Think about how what you do, or don't do, today will be remembered.


  1. Im curious to see other peoples thoughts on this subject. I have thought about that... What people will remember me by. I've never thought about the depth that you just showed. Something to think about for sure. You're a very strong awesome person. I was delightfully surprised the first time I met you! Very refreshing.

  2. I hope I will be remembered as a few of those things mentioned above.

    But isn't there always some fear, too, when it comes to that? We do stupid things sometimes and in some cases I remember myself being unkind and even mean... which I'm not generally. What will they remember? I can only wonder... Good post!

  3. Thanks so much for the comment! We all have things and times in our past that we wish we would've done differently. I think the idea is to make amends and learn from the experience.
