Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sometimes It Isn't All About You.

Wow, I completely spaced out writing yesterday. Busy day. Walked and then went out to my parents house and worked on their lawn....for a long time. Mowed, mowed again, raked, watered, seeded, fertilized, watered again. Pulled weeds and sprayed weeds. It was hot. It wasn't too much fun. My mantra was "I love my parents. I love my parents. I love my parents." Lol. Sometimes we do things in our lives simply because they are the right things to do. They might be physically hard things, time-consuming things, emotionally difficult things. But we do them out of love and sacrifice. It is easy to think about yourself and put yourself first all the time, but is it the right thing? I must say my parents have told me just to let the grass go and Dad will tend to it when they get here. But, I want to make it nice and easier for them, so I do little things because I care about them. When someone asks you for a favor, big or small, if you love them then do it. You will feel better in the end and they will appreciate your kindness. Sometimes it isn't all about you.

Today is celebrate Angenee day.

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