Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I read a wonderful quote this morning by David Thomas. "My list of ingredients for success is divided into four basic groups: Inward, Outward, Upward, and Onward." Very thought-provoking for me. We all measure success by different standards. Some feel the more money and more stuff you have, the more successful you are. Some feel the more friends and more followers you have, the more successful you are. Some feel the bigger house and fancier car you have, the more successful you are. We all want more money and more stuff. But, I wonder if that would make us feel internally more successful. By definition, successful means achieving or having achieved success; having attained wealth, position, honors, or the like. Nothing in that definition talks about the feeling of being successful. I believe, success is measured by how good you feel about where you have been, where you are and where you are going. When I look back at my life and how I lived it, I can see where I have been a helpful, positive person and that makes me feel successful. I see my family and how much we respect and love each other and that makes me feel successful. I see changes that have happened because of something I've done or said and that makes me feel successful. I don't have any regrets...except maybe one...and that makes me feel successful. I may not have lots of money, or lots of stuff, but I have the things that really matter and that, to me, is being successful. At the end of the day, whatever your idea of success is, I hope you are achieving it.

Today is look for green day.

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