Monday, September 12, 2011

Routine Or Rut?

As I got up this morning, petted the dogs, and meandered my way to the kitchen to get my coffee going, I realized how comfortable my routine is for me. Let the dogs out, turn on CNN, feed the cats, turn on computers, let the dogs back in, feed the dogs, check on emails and work, answer emails, make the bed, and finally get that cup of coffee. So much done in the first few minutes of the day. Routines can be good things or they can be ruts. I enjoy mine. Do you enjoy yours? If you don't like the way things are in your world, change it. Sometimes even changing a little thing will make a big difference. Whether its driving a different way to work, moving furniture around, changing a hair style, or the way you greet people. Attitude is everything. I think if we enjoy our personal routines it shows in our faces and actions. We all know people who, the second you see them, you know they are unhappy. I bet, the thing that they are unhappy about, they could change...if not the situation, their attitude towards it. Some people simply choose to be unhappy.  As for me, I love my routine. I find comfort in knowing how I'm going to start my day. As long as I am content with where I am, the bumps in the road seem a little bit easier to handle. I guess I'm saying, I'd rather be happy with my routine than unhappy in a rut. How about you?

Today is wear a funny hat, dance around a bucket singing "fill it up, fill it up" under the full moon day.

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