Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Slow Down The Swirling in Your Mind

I'm tired today. I don't know if it is the change in weather from hotter and dry to hot and humid or what. Anyway, nothing specific on my mind today, but thoughts are swirling around in a frenetic way. Do you ever feel that you are so busy simply because you have so much going on in your head, and yet physically you aren't doing anything. It's exhausting. It's amazing how fast a mind can race from one topic to another. For example...need to pay the bills, need to go to the store, need to vacuum, need to start a load of laundry, man my windows need washing, it's hot, need to answer emails and blog, need to eat, a nap sounds good, need to get ready for work...Whew! Making lists helps sometimes. Not only do you keep things organized, but you get the bonus feeling as you check them off. I try to BE KINDER to myself and breathe deep and allow my brain to slow down to a more manageable pace. If you think of all those things swirling around in your mind as slowing down, they are still swirling but not as fast, then it seems that the most important things become more clear, some of the others just disappear, and you don't feel so out of control. So, today, if you are feeling overwhelmed, just stop, close your eyes, focus on those things swirling around in your mind and breathe, slow down the swirl and you will be able to focus on what is truly most important.

Today is touch something slippery day.

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