Thursday, September 29, 2011


So, I'm looking for input. I'm so excited about Nic and Kristen and their enthusiasm about the BE KINDER mission, wristbands, etc. They are high school kids that are proving that it is cool to be kind. They have passed out and continue to pass out wristbands...about 300 or so. That's amazing! Nic thinks I need to have a fan page on Facebook so people can post pics and comments. I'm going to try to get that done this weekend. Where I need the input from you is on ideas or suggestions you may have that I can do to increase the amount of people looking at my blog, commenting on the blog, and leaving their own stories. On my website there is a tab that says BE KINDER STORIES. It is my hope that people will start writing there and sharing. I've had offers to advertise on my site, but I really don't want to have the people that visit it to be bombarded with miscellaneous ads. I put a daily BE KINDER thought on Facebook and also Tweet a daily thought. The problem is, I don't have very many "friends" My niece Mariah just texted me that she is going to put a link on her Facebook page. Whoohoo! I would so appreciate any suggestions you may have. If you want wristbands, let me know. Thank you in advance for being kinder and helping me out.

Today is wear brown day.

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